Women in Water Governance (WIWG) Platform governance is rooted in principles of collaboration, inclusivity, and shared ownership. Our governance structure involves a collective approach overseen by a steering committee and supported by an advisory panel, ensuring diverse perspectives and effective decision-making.

Steering Committee:

  • Role and Responsibilities: The steering committee is responsible for guiding the strategic direction, policy formulation, and overall governance of the platform.
  • Composition: The committee comprises representatives from diverse backgrounds, expertise, and experiences within the community.

Functions of the Steering Committee:

  • Policy Formulation: Develop and review policies aligned with the platform’s values, ensuring they reflect the principles of inclusivity, respect, co-creation, and collaborative ownership.
  • Strategic Direction: Set the platform’s long-term goals, prioritize initiatives, and oversee their implementation in line with community values and objectives.
  • Community Engagement: Facilitate dialogue and engagement with the community, encouraging participation and feedback on governance matters.

Global Advisory Panel:

  • Role and Support: The global advisory panel consists of individuals with specialized knowledge, providing guidance and expertise to the steering committee.
  • Advisory Functions: Offer advice, insights, and recommendations to the steering committee on specific topics, ensuring informed decision-making.

Decision-Making Process:

  • Consensus Building: Decisions are made through consensus-building processes within the steering committee, considering diverse perspectives and community input.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Document and communicate decisions to the WIWG community, fostering transparency and accountability in governance processes.

Community Participation:

  • Inclusivity and Engagement: Encourage community participation in governance discussions, seeking input on policies and initiatives that impact the platform.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Provide avenues for community feedback, ensuring that diverse voices are heard and considered in decision-making.

Review and Adaptation:

  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly review the governance structure and processes, adapting to the evolving needs and values of the community.
  • Flexibility: Remain open to refining governance practices based on WIWG community feedback and changing circumstances.

Governance Documentation:

  • Public Accessibility: Make governance policies, decisions, and meeting minutes accessible to the WIWG community, promoting transparency and understanding.

Agreement to Governance Principles:

  • Commitment: All stakeholders involved in the platform agree to abide by and support the principles and structures outlined in this governance policy.