Guiding Principles

The Women in Water Governance Platform upholds values that foster co-creation, co-ownership, and collective governance of knowledge. We believe in the power of collaborative efforts and recognize the importance of respecting diverse perspectives.

Our principles are guided by the following pillars:

Co-Creation and Collective Governance:

  • We encourage collaborative knowledge-building, where diverse voices and perspectives are valued and included.
  • Our platform operates on principles of shared ownership, recognizing the contributions of all participants.

Respect for Indigenous Knowledge Protocols extended to all:

  • We honor Indigenous Knowledge Systems by respecting protocols and advocating for non-proprietary sharing of knowledge.
  • We acknowledge the value of Indigenous Knowledge Systems and are committed to safeguarding it.

Respect and Trust:

  • Respect is the cornerstone of our community. We foster an environment where all contributors are treated with dignity and consideration.
  • Trust is integral to our interactions. We prioritize transparency and accountability in all our engagements.

Upholding Safe Spaces for Women:

  • We are dedicated to providing a safe and inclusive space for individuals identifying as women.
  • Discrimination and harassment have no place in our community. We enforce policies that ensure a supportive environment for women contributors.

Our Commitment: We are committed to upholding these principles in all aspects of our operations, interactions, and content. We strive to create a platform that thrives on diversity, inclusivity, and mutual respect.

Community Guidelines

By joining the Women in Water Governance Platform, you agree to adhere to the following community guidelines:

1. Respectful and Collaborative Communication:

  • Embrace a culture of respect and collaboration where diverse viewpoints are valued. Engage in discussions with openness and empathy, fostering an environment conducive to co-creation.
  • Encourage active participation and inclusive dialogue. Every voice contributes to our collective knowledge, enriching our shared experience.

2. Upholding a Safe and Supportive Space:

  • Prioritize the creation and maintenance of a safe environment where all individuals feel respected, valued, and heard.
  • Zero tolerance for any form of harassment, discrimination, or intimidation. Protect the well-being of all community members and uphold their right to a secure space.

3. Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenous Knowledge:

  • Celebrate diversity and inclusion by embracing various cultural backgrounds, identities, and perspectives.
  • Respect indigenous knowledge protocols and honor the wisdom shared by indigenous communities. Ensure that indigenous knowledge is treated with sensitivity and consent is sought for its use and sharing.

4. Co-Creation and Shared Ownership:

  • Embrace the ethos of co-creation and shared ownership of knowledge. Every contribution adds value to our collective understanding.
  • Recognize and acknowledge the efforts of others. Collaborate transparently, understanding that our collective growth stems from shared efforts.

5. Accountable and Supportive Engagement:

  • Take responsibility for your actions and contributions. Uphold integrity in sharing information and respect intellectual property rights.
  • Offer support and guidance to fellow community members. Encourage constructive feedback aimed at improving our collective space.

6. Reporting and Conflict Resolution:

  • Report any behavior that violates our guidelines or makes others feel unsafe. Our community stands together in ensuring a positive and secure environment.
  • Resolve conflicts through respectful dialogue and mediation. Address concerns promptly and seek resolution in a manner that upholds our commitment to a safe space for all.

7. Compliance and Mutual Responsibility:

  • Adhere to our community guidelines and policies. Your commitment to these principles fosters an inclusive, supportive, and collaborative community.
  • Together, we create and uphold a space where every individual feels empowered to contribute and learn.

By participating in our community, you agree to abide by these principles and guidelines, and contribute to an environment that fosters collaboration.

Privacy Policy

The Women in Water Governance Platform prioritizes the privacy and security of our community members to uphold a safe space. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, share, and protect the information you provide when engaging with our platform.

1. Collection and Use of Information:

  • Personal Information: We collect personal information only with your consent, such as your name, email address, and profile details, to facilitate your participation and contributions to our platform. This information is used to personalize your experience and communicate with you about platform updates or relevant information.
  • Non-Personal Information: We may collect non-personal information, such as browser type, IP address, and device information, to improve our platform’s functionality and user experience.

2. Information Sharing and Disclosure:

  • Shared Ownership: By contributing to our platform, you acknowledge and agree that your shared content becomes part of the collective knowledge, respecting the principles of co-creation and shared ownership.
  • Third-Party Services: We may use third-party services for analytics, communication, or technical support. These service providers are bound by confidentiality and privacy obligations and only process data as instructed by us.

3. Protection of Information:

  • Security Measures: We employ industry-standard security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure.
  • User Responsibility: While we take steps to safeguard your information, we encourage users to also take precautions in protecting their accounts and information shared on the platform.

4. Indigenous Knowledge and Privacy:

  • Respect for Indigenous Knowledge: We honor Indigenous knowledge protocols and respect the confidentiality and sensitivity of such information. We seek explicit consent and follow specific guidelines regarding the sharing and protection of indigenous knowledge.

5. Compliance and Changes:

  • Compliance: We comply with applicable privacy laws and regulations, aiming to uphold the highest standards of data protection and user privacy.
  • Policy Updates: This Privacy Policy may be updated occasionally to reflect changes in our practices. We will notify users of any significant changes and provide the option to review revised policies.

6. Contact Us: If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding your privacy or this policy, please contact us.

By using our platform, you consent to the collection, processing, and sharing of information as described in this Privacy Policy.

Intellectual Property Policy

The Women in Water Governance Platform honors and respects the intellectual property rights of our contributors. Our policy ensures that contributors retain ownership of their intellectual property while allowing for collaborative sharing within our platform.

1. Contributor Ownership:

  • Ownership of Contributions: Contributors retain full ownership of the intellectual property rights to the content they create or contribute to our platform.
  • Shared Collaborative Use: By sharing content on our platform, contributors grant other users the right to access, use, and collaborate on their content within the platform’s scope, respecting the contributor’s ownership rights.

2. Use of Shared Content:

  • Platform Use Only: Content shared within our platform is for collaborative purposes within the community. Users may engage with, modify, or build upon shared content while adhering to our community guidelines and respecting contributor rights.
  • Non-Transferable Rights: Users do not acquire ownership or transferable rights to shared content beyond the platform’s collaborative use without explicit permission from the original contributor.

3. Protection of Contributor Rights:

  • Respecting Ownership: Users must respect contributor ownership and refrain from using shared content outside the platform without proper authorization from the original creator.
  • Attribution and Recognition: Proper attribution and recognition of the original creator should accompany shared content whenever possible.

4. Use of Indigenous Knowledge:

  • Respect for Indigenous Knowledge Systems: Indigenous knowledge shared on our platform is treated with the utmost respect. Users must seek explicit permission and adhere to specific guidelines for the use and sharing of Indigenous knowledge, respecting international policies and protocols including the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

5. Compliance and Reporting:

  • Policy Adherence: Users are expected to comply with this intellectual property policy and our community guidelines regarding intellectual property rights.
  • Reporting Violations: Any infringement of contributor rights or misuse of intellectual property should be reported promptly for appropriate action, which may result in removal from the platform.

6. Modifications to Shared Content:

  • Modifications and Derivatives: Users may create modifications or derivatives of shared content within the platform’s collaborative space with permission from the creators. However, the original contributor’s ownership rights remain intact.

7. Agreement to Policy:

  • By participating in our platform, contributors and users agree to adhere to this intellectual property policy, respecting each other’s ownership rights and fostering a collaborative environment.