Thank you for your willingness to share your story!

Three ways to share stories

If you would like to share your story with a public audience, there are two ways to do so. You can either (1) send your story by email, or you can complete and submit your story using the form below.

Please complete the following form to submit your story and share it with our community. All stories submitted through this page will be published publicly following our editorial process.

First way: Complete this form to share your story publicly

    Story theme, if applicable

    Respecting the Intellectual Property and Copyright Principles and Policies is fundamental to protecting knowledge, stories, and maintaining personal security for contributors. If any party involved with sharing or submitting the story does not accept these Principles and Policies, the story will not be shared.

    Second way: Email your story to share it publicly

    As mentioned above, you can also share your story by sending it by email, with image, video, audio or other multimedia attachments. To use this option, you must be a registered user of this site, and you can request an account here.

    By sending your form by email, you are acknowledging that you have read, you agree with, and you adhere to the WIWG Platform Principles and Policies.

    Third way: Join our community

    We have created a safe space for women to connect and share, and you may feel more comfortable sharing your experience and knowledge in our closed community of verified members.

    Join our community to share your story, meet other members, and help build the Women in Water Governance Platform and movement.